Free For A Limited Time:

We Want to Give You 2-Free Hours Of IT Support To Solve Your Toughest Technology Problems Or Conduct A 27-Point IT Systems Security And Performance Assessment That Specializes In Solving The Unique IT And Computer-Related Challenges Of Your Business!

It’s amazing how unreliable and arrogant some IT services companies are. When you call for help, you get their voicemail, and they never call you back. When you finally get them on the phone, they may make you wait hours, even days, before they actually get your problem resolved. And sometimes, it never seems to get fixed.

That’s why we are making you this offer of 2 free hours of IT support (a $350 value) to prove that we can do a better job at solving your technology headaches than your current computer support guy/company. And if you don’t have an urgent problem that needs to be fixed right now, you can use your 2 free hours for a free network and security assessment that will answer key questions such as:

  • Are your IT systems truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, viruses, worms and even sabotage from rogue employees? If you’re not getting weekly security patch updates from your current IT person, your IT systems are probably not truly secured.
  • Are your backups configured properly to ensure that you could be back up and running again fast in a disaster? In 99% of the computer networks we’ve reviewed over the years, the owners were shocked to learn this wasn’t happening.
  • Are you unknowingly exposing your company to expensive fines and litigation under new California data breach laws?
  • Could you utilize cheaper and more efficient cloud-computing technologies to lower IT costs and make it easier to work remotely?
  • Are your systems optimized for maximum speed and performance?

To Claim Your Free Service Call Us at 951-228-0828

*Claiming your offer does not guarantee service. Only qualified companies will be granted 2 free hours of support or free network assessment.

Claim this Free Offer!

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