Frustrated You Have To Take On An IT Project
That You Didn’t Plan For?

We can help! And We Won’t Hold You Hostage!

As a customer of NetApp, you have been put into the unfortunate position of having to take on IT project to move your existing cloud desktop solution to another service provider.  We feel you shouldn’t have to pay to do something you didn’t ask to do.  Biztek Solutions is here to help.

Biztek Solutions is a Managed IT Service Provider (MSP) that specializes in cloud technology using Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktops to help NetApp clients gain a better experience and better support for their hosted cloud environments.  

We leverage Microsoft’s public cloud, Azure, to deploy Windows Virtual Desktops for our clients.  And our support and care go beyond just hosting your cloud desktops.  Biztek is full service Managed Service Provider that will provide support not only for your cloud environment, but for your local computers, network and users.  Most cloud providers will only support the cloud environment but we know our clients often need help with their local network and computers as well.

Biztek has the experience and expertise to help your company migrate as we have been migrating our existing clients away from NetApp environments to a new solution.

THE BEST PART – WE DO NOT HOLD YOU HOSTAGE!  This means that if you choose to do business with us and help you migrate away from NetApp and if anything changes in the future, you own your subscription in Azure and can take it with you, ensure you are NEVER in this position again.

Getting started is easy as 1-2-3:


Fill out the form on this page to schedule a discovery call so we can discuss your business and gain an understanding of the project scope for a successful migration.


Plan of Action. We will review your current cloud environment in NetApp including your software applications, data size, etc to develop a migration plan.


Migration time! Upon approval of our plan of action, we will begin your project and start your migration.

Request a Discovery Call Today To Discuss Your Project:

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