Step 1:
Add a password to all meetings. Without a password, anyone that obtains your Zoom meeting link can join the meeting.
Step 2:
Enable use of the ‘Waiting Room’ feature. The waiting room requires that attendees be admitted to the meeting by the meeting host. This gives the host full control over who can join. With the Waiting Room enabled, attendees will receive a message stating “Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon.”
Step 3:
Keep your Zoom client software updates. Anytime Zoom prompts you to install an update, install it. But be careful! Be sure it the prompt is actually from Zoom as hackers push malicious “updates” that can harm your computer. If you are unsure, login to your Zoom account online to download the latest version.
Step 4:
Disable Participant Screen Sharing. While you are in the meeting, go to the Sharing options and choose the ‘Advanced Sharing Options’ menu. From here, you can select who can share and you want to select ‘Only Host.’ There are times when you may need to allow attendees to share, and in that case, you can specify the attendees that can share.
Step 5:
Lock Meetings When Everyone has joined. While you are in the meeting, view your list of participants. At the bottom of the participant’s window, click on Manage Participants, then choose More and then select Lock Participants. You will want to do this once all participants have joined the meeting. This will prevent anyone else from joining the meeting once enabled.
Step 6:
Do Not Post Pictures of Your Zoom Meeting Online. Well, you can, but you need to edit the picture to remove your Zoom meeting ID before posting. If you do not secure your Zoom meetings and you re-use your Zoom meeting links for multiple meetings, posting a picture of your meeting that shows the Zoom meeting ID would allow anyone to join your meeting!
Step 7:
Do Not Post Zoom Links Publicly. There may be cases where you need to do this, but you want to avoid posting your Zoom meeting links on your website or Social Media. Google can index them if they are public, plus it allows for others to find and join your meeting when you do not intend for them to do.
Heres a detailed live demonstration on how to implement these steps:
For more information:
Please contact us and feel free to reach out for any inquiries on how we, Biztek Solutions, Inc. can be of any assistance.