MapBiztekBiztek Solutions was started by Derek Anderson in the summer of 2006 on a shoestring budget.  The company started in a spare bedroom in Derek’s house and remained that way while he was the only service provider for the company for the first 5 years.   Then things really started to change.  The business was growing and with the growth, came the need to hire help.  Initially, everyone worked from home (in their PJs) to provide remote support – and we got cleaned up for our clients when we had to go onsite for service.

Last year, Biztek Solutions moved into a single 100 sq ft office in a Regus building in Riverside.  While it was nice to officially have an office, we were really tight on space. With our recent growth over the past couple of years, our team has grown to 5 full time employees and we have added the help of interns from local tech colleges to provide them training opportunities.  So yes, we were squeezing up to 6 people in about 100 sq ft on any given day.  It was cramped to say the least.  We joked that we were an IT sweat shop.

An opportunity presented itself this summer to move into a 2,000 sq ft office in the newly renovated Arlington Professional building, and we jumped at the opportunity.  We have spent the past two weeks getting settled but it has come together well.  We now have room to stretch out, have privacy and better organization.  We implemented large TV monitor boards so we can watch tickets as they come in and track activity, to further assist in keeping our team focused on serving our clients.

We also have a nice, large conference room with a table that seats 8.  We installed a 65″ TV in the conference room for presentations.  The best part is, we are making our conference room available to rent by hour or by day for anyone that needs a room to hold a meeting or training session.

We welcome anyone to stop by and say “Hi” and check out our new space.  We have plans on hosting an open house/Christmas party in December, so be on the lookout for the invite in the coming months.

Please update our contact information in your address books as follows:

Biztek Solutions, Inc.

3576 Arlington Avenue, Suite 200

Riverside, CA 92506