On Thursday June 15, 2017, Biztek Solutions hosted an open house event that included a ribbon cutting ceremony with the Riverside Chamber of Commerce to celebrate their new office located at 3576 Arlington Avenue, Suite 200, Riverside, CA 92506.
The event has co-hosted by Anderson & Associates, CPA, Lucia & Co, CPA, and Bernie Powers of ActionCoach, all of whom are subleasing office space from Biztek Solutions.
The event had close to 100 attendees including clients, vendors, friends and family from each of the hosts, plus Serena Chapman from the Riverside Chamber of Commerce who organized the event, Riverside Council Member Mike Soubirous of Ward #3, Jason Farin, Legislative Assistant for Supervisor Tavalione of District 2 of Riverside County, and Carmen Cuevas, Senior Field Representative for state assembly member Jose Medina and California State Senator Roth. The four representatives that were present, presented Biztek Solutions with certificates of recognition.
Biztek Solutions is extremely grateful for all of the support from the community, Riverside Chamber of Commerce and all of our clients, vendors, friends and family who attended the event. We thank you all and hope you had a great time!
Want to see your photos? We have posted all of the event photos on our Facebook page for you to find.