Smart cameras have been under attack from hackers for years. In fact, one popular smart camera system (the Amazon Ring) had a security flaw that allowed hackers to get into homeowners’ networks. That issue has since been patched, but the risk of being hacked still exists. Here are three ways to keep your camera (and your network) safe from hackers:


  1. Regularly update your passwords. Yes, passwords. This includes your smart camera password, your WiFi network password, your Amazon password – you name it. Changing your passwords every three months is an excellent way to stay secure. Every password should be long and complicated.


  1. Say no to sharing. Never share your smart camera’s login info with anybody. If you need to share access with someone (such as a family member or roommate), many smart camera systems let you add a “shared user.” This will let them access the camera, without the ability to access the camera’s configuration or network tools.


3. Connect the camera to a SECURE network. Your smart camera should only be connected to a secure WPA2 encrypted, firewalled WiFi network. The more protection you put between the camera and the rest of the digital world, the better

It’s safe to say that the tech world is rather unsafe. We have seen a multitude of avenues for hackers and cybercriminals to breach the networks of business everywhere. No matter what size or what type of security protocols are already a set. We always find a way in.

To know how to properly secure your home or work security system, and how to work in tandem with an IT professional:

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