Continuing to look at how you can protect your data, last week we looked at SDS systems and how data backup should always be a priority.

In order to make data backup a priority in your company, this week let’s take a look at how you can implement protocol. One of the first things any company needs to do is schedule data backups. How important IS data really to your company? Most managed services will recommend that you do a daily backup. But, in order to do this, you will need specialized employees that focus only on data backup. If it’s not too risky for you to lose a whole day’s worth of data by not backing it up, you can be slightly lax here. If even losing an hour of data is crucial to your business, backups must be a daily ritual.

Companies also need to choose how they will back up data. Transferring most data into long-term storage with not much ease of access is typically okay – but let’s keep in mind the data that you may need to access, especially in the case of an emergency. Let’s not make it too tough to access the data. Many businesses have data requests from clients or vendors on a daily or weekly basis. If this applies to your company, you might want to ditch the long-term tape backup and go for something a bit more accessible. Even if it is more costly to implement this in the short-term, the frustration you save clients and vendors may be invaluable. Building your cloud may become a must.

Definitely not the most thrilling job in the world, regular review of data backup is also necessary. When you want to access your data, only to find errors, the results can be catastrophic. It is important to check and verify cloud-stored data on at least a weekly basis.

For more helpful hints on how you can make data work for you, give Biztek Solutions a call at (800)353-4530. One of the best managed service providers in the industry, we want to turn all of your IT problems into solutions.